Kudos to several dealers

In the aftermath of some heated exchange last weekend regarding a dealer ad, I wanted to offer some kudos to several dealers/people that are very professional and have given me excellent service:
1. Curtis Havens, owner of Advanced Audio in Tacoma, WA (and former co-owner of Havens & Hardesty, which operated many years ago in southern California);
2. John Rutan, of Audio Connections in New Jersey;
3. Leo Massi, of Hyend Audio in Massachusetts;
4. Richard Vandersteen, of Vandersteen Audio.

Thanks to all the dealers and their staffs who are honest,
hard-working folks who support our audio addiction.
Some additional names of people or companies who have been outstanding to work with in my experience:

Tim Harrison, Audio Art, Richmond VA
Ralph Karsten, Atma-Sphere
Bridget Davis, Music Direct
Jim White, Aesthetix
Vu, Deja Vu Audio, McLean, VA
Richard at Vantage Audio, UK, (www.vantageaudio.com)

Bruce Hirsch at Audio Consultants, Hinsdale IL, (www.audioconsultants.com)

Bill Parish at GTT audio/video, (www.gttgroup.com/av.htm)
Interesting thread. I'll add a few.

Alan Shaw, md of Harbeth Audio (I think that's their name now).

Alastair Gardner, proprietor of Signals in England. Alastair sells Harbeth loudspeakers over the web and a lot of other stuff and gives great advice and handholding. Welcome to stay at my house anytime he comes to Southern Cal.

Ray Kimber (not a recommendation of his products (good stuff - just don't know what anyone might be comparing it to) just that he's a really good guy.

Jeff Joseph (ditto).

Everyone at Reference Audio Video.

One of my favorites, no longer in business in SoCal, Mel Murakami. I think he moved to New York.
Scott (Disco) is fantastic. Goes out of his way to take care of you and has the time to talk with you about your system and make recommendations without any hard sell at all.