Kudos to several dealers

In the aftermath of some heated exchange last weekend regarding a dealer ad, I wanted to offer some kudos to several dealers/people that are very professional and have given me excellent service:
1. Curtis Havens, owner of Advanced Audio in Tacoma, WA (and former co-owner of Havens & Hardesty, which operated many years ago in southern California);
2. John Rutan, of Audio Connections in New Jersey;
3. Leo Massi, of Hyend Audio in Massachusetts;
4. Richard Vandersteen, of Vandersteen Audio.

Thanks to all the dealers and their staffs who are honest,
hard-working folks who support our audio addiction.

Showing 1 response by paulwp

Interesting thread. I'll add a few.

Alan Shaw, md of Harbeth Audio (I think that's their name now).

Alastair Gardner, proprietor of Signals in England. Alastair sells Harbeth loudspeakers over the web and a lot of other stuff and gives great advice and handholding. Welcome to stay at my house anytime he comes to Southern Cal.

Ray Kimber (not a recommendation of his products (good stuff - just don't know what anyone might be comparing it to) just that he's a really good guy.

Jeff Joseph (ditto).

Everyone at Reference Audio Video.

One of my favorites, no longer in business in SoCal, Mel Murakami. I think he moved to New York.