Kudos Titan 505 Standmount speakers // One Of The Very Best Standmount Speakers ?

Has anyone heard these speakers ?


 Not connected with this company in any way

Showing 1 response by akg_ca

Are we to simply blindly rely on a VERY subjective mag 4 star quantitative rating as the yardstick, or do we drill down a notch to their actual qualitative verdict as follows: 
“...The Kudos Titan 505s are seriously impressive performers, but their uncompromising upfront attitude won’t appeal to all...” 
 The last seven words in the verdict quote above summarizes just about every speaker on the planet . 
I’ve demoed numerous KUDO speaker models at a dealer and liked them all. When paired with High-end LFD or NAIM upstream electronics, they excel ... full stop.  Even the WHAT HI-Fi Review specifically emphasized that all speakers at this level positively demand high-quality sources and amplification.
The NAIM suggested upstream components synergy with the TITANs is mirrored in a “5 stars” Review 
