KT88s...the final chapter

Ok, Ive posted before, ive read the prior threads, ive read the David99 vs Marchman debacle, I done my homework on NOS, Valve Art, Svetlanas, out there. Id love to use Gold Lions and other NOS out there, but most are sold on ebay 1 pair or quad at a time for around $100 a piece. I need 16 tubes. Svetlanas run about $40 a piece. Sovteks are about $24 each. My question, are the Sovteks such a step down in quality to my stcok Svetlana 6550's? I am talking about the price to value ratio here. If my amps used a quad or even an octet, id have no problem with forking out the $$ for Gold Lions. Has anyone given the Sovtek kt88s a shot and if so, were they put back in the box bad? Anyone have suggestions on a lo cost source for kt88 types?


Showing 1 response by jvr

have not read extensive posts on this subject. but i have talked to a lot of tube dealers and some equipment mfgs. an expert i am not! here are my findings.

gold dragons are just select current mfg tubes. rogue uses kt88s in their magnum upgrade that are supposed to be select and matched for him. 300$ per 8. mark states that these are much better than the svet or sovtek. he also stated that they had good success with electro harmonix 6550 "tun-sol like in sound".

tube dealers all seem to say best kt88 is nos m&o and best 6550 was tun-sol. during the years of there respective hay day. i am saving to buy some used tun-sols (that test good)and should last many many years to come. as all stated these were the best sounding of the bunch. good luck