KT88 tube amp


what KT88 of the current production for QS Silver mono (90watt)?

 The Shuguang WEKT88 Plus is  my favorite KT88 tube.   In my Jolida Fusion 3502S a quad of these -once properly burned in for about 50 hours- sound absolutely great, with super tight, deep bass, soaring highs, and an airy, 3-D, almost "dreamy" quality to the sound that is second to none.   Very accurate, and in this amp it sounds best (IMHO) with neutral pre and driver tubes: currently a pair of TFK ECC83s smooth plates plus the (cheap but fantastic) RFT ECC81s round getter are doing a great job...

I've had some issues with Shuguang quality control over the years so I'm leaving those off of my list (except for "thetubstore's" preferred 274b as those seem to be vetted) for now, but GL KT77s and KT88s always sound fine, and an old unused pair of Sovtek KT88s recently and surprisingly sounded great in my little SEP amp (and I've got a quad of those)...I tend to stick with 7581As mostly though.

Hi Wolf,  well yes, I was also worried by past reports of Shuguang tubes reliability problems, but read so glowing reviews about the new WEKT88s Plus (and at the same time found a very good offer from a U.S. seller) that just went for them...after two months and 100 hours plus, so far so good.  

My Jolida 3502S is a touch on the “warmish” side of neutral in a  nice way, and the GLKT88s sound splendid, no doubt, albeit a little bit “dark” on this amp.  “All German” neutral drivers (Telefunken, RFT) improved things a lot, but still I was looking for something more lively sounding...and the Shuguang “big bottles” were just the ticket.   

Very accurate power tubes:  fast, open and nimble with the German drivers, they easily morphed into classic sweetness with, say, Mullard or Brimar drivers, but never falling into excessive warmth nor losing even a bit of tightness or control in the bass:  a high point in this tube.  Sound layering is another: over a solid, dynamic foundation, mids & highs just flow freely, open, relaxed, with a  “classic” flair.  This is not your “standard” KT88 and definitely does not sound like one.  It belongs to Shuguang family of premium “big bottles” along with the 300Bs, 411s, 274s and the like...and yes,  it is relatively expensive but so far worth every penny...if reliable in the long run.

My issues with Shuguang were cosmetic (badly printed tube) and a rectifier with a loose base (as opposed to "loose bass").
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