Kt88 or 6550 tube for McIntosh MC275


I have a MC275 comes with original McIntosh KT88 tubes.  I am wondering if it is worthwhile to try other and what to try.  First question is, do I need a match quad?  Or I can get away with two matches pairs?  If I need matched quad, then it seems my only option is to get new production tubes as the NOS matched quads are very expensive.

For new production, I did some research.  It seems people prefer KT88 over 6550.  And the two brands for recommended are SED and Genalex Gold Lion reissue.  Are they better than the stock McIntosh tube?  Or should I save money and upgrade my other component such as my DAC or adding a preamp first?


Showing 3 responses by mozartfan


all Svet issues, SED, Winged C, NOS, New Prod, are all =. Just go with new production. 
Especially if you need close matching. 
KT90 is quite dif,, has some points over the 6550/88, but for open-ness soundstage, go 6550/88. 
 Here you go makea  compare, 
'all 88/6550 ever made, the specs are so close = makes no difference, 
like twin brothers.
Not 1 audiophile in the world could detect a  blind test A/B twix 6550 vs KT88.
Impossible, as they voice near identical. 
Sure there may bea  mini-scule dif twix every lab's 6550/KY88, even there it will be tiny. 
So to sum up
6550 vs KT88, mini-scule dif
Brand X vs Brand Y KT88 miniscule dif.
Thats said, I am in agreement with another audiophiles opinions of the GL's, He did not like their voice, and neither did I./ 
These Svet voice beautiful and are made like tanks = Gold Winner in my book



Genalex Gold Lion reissue

Yes the GL are very popular,, i tried them, returned them, 
Prefered the Svet's

I just posted a series of answers on this very topic last night.
My prefered is the Svet 6550.
NOS- New Production, exact same tube.
NOS 6550=New 6550
