KT-77 vs. KT-66

As I've had my QS Mono 60s, I've tried a variety of tubes. I have sold off my KT 150s, and use KT-88s from time to time, but what I really love are KT77's.

I'm thinking of getting some KT66s, thinking that lower powered tubes are better (to my ears) matches for my system. I just don't know what the KT-66's sound like. 

Question: If you have compared KT77 and KT66 tubes, what would you say the sonic, audible characters of each are? Is there a difference you can hear? What does the KT66 sound like -- to you?


Showing 1 response by roadrunner54101

Talk about going full circle.  One of the best sounding amplifiers I have ever owned was the Audio Research D-40 with 6L6s.  I recently paired it with an Audio Research REF 6 and it added another dynamic to my Sonus Stradivari.  Much more detail.  Just could not live with the low power so I have gone back to a REF 160S with the KT150s.  I am using a Rogue Atlas Magnum as a test bed since it can accommodate the KT77, KT88, KT90 & KT120 family of tubes for comparative purposes.  Something to be said about the older tubes.  I am leaning toward the KT88 with good bandwidth and power.  Glad I kept my classic collection of tubes from my Dynaco 70 days.