KT 150 failure

I bought a set of 150’s early this year for my Primaluna Dialogue Premium.  I’ve always run Gold Lion KT 66’s with no problems. Last week, during silence between songs, I heard this soft fluttering sound thru the woofer.  Cornwall’s.  The slightest tapping of the floor in front of the speaker produced the sound.  I went to the amp which is @6 feet away, and all looked fine- no red tube fail lights.  But the lightest touch to the far left tube really made the woofer flutter.  No red plate, static or popping.  After cool down and restart, tube is quiet until it warms up, then same situation.  Pulled them all and replaced with KT66’s.  All good now.  But I have a geeky question.  What happened with that tube?  In Dynaco Days, I had more dramatic failures.  It’s a fail, but what failed?  Thanks in advance for satisfying my curiosity.  


Showing 2 responses by jerryg123

I have had great performance from my KT150’s and 170’s all purchased prior to the issues in Russia. Be mindful that all these Russian Tube Factories are US owned. How old are these 150’s? Meaning when did you buy them?

We’ll my rig only has 4 power tubes and have a load of 88s 120s 150s and 170s. Started buying when tensions were building in Russia. Had some insider info with a couple of joint ventures we were doing in Russia and Ukraine. Also when all the Russian scientist and engineers bailed from NASA in Houston.