Kronos vs TW Acoustic

Which do you like best, the TW Acustic Raven AC-1 or the Kronos Limited?

Showing 5 responses by stickman451

I agree, both are fantastic TT's; just different. 

My goal is to own both some day soon.

What cartridges have you tried on the AC and/or Kronos?  What do you like?
I see the Kronos as EXTREMELY precise, absolute perfect speed, a low low low self-noise piece of fine engineering; really the quietest table I've ever seen.  

I also think it leans a bit to the detailed, analytical side (nothing wrong with that) but I want to balance all of the above good traits with a cartridge that will add 'beauty,' rich tone/harmonics, and that inner life similar to what a really good tube pre can do.

What are some really good cartridge candidates in the $3,000 - $5,000 range?  Any recommendations?



what kinds of differences did you hear between your AC and Kronos?  Give us some more details!