Kronos vs TW Acoustic

Which do you like best, the TW Acustic Raven AC-1 or the Kronos Limited?

Showing 5 responses by ebm

TW Acustic turntables are featured in High Water Sounds rooms and always makes best sound list.
Im using TW Acustic AC3 with Black Night 3 motor unit,feet,battery power supply,arm board and copper motor cover as well as TW Acustic tonearm sounds great to me.Im not worried about any Kronos turntable they are very good as well.
My favorite cartridge is the Transfiguration Proteus which i am now using wonderful detailed with great bass detail as well.Good luck.
Thoress preamp with 3 phonos but I'm upgrading to TW Acustic RPS100 phono in the next month which will be much better.