Krell Vanguard : with or without Digital Media module ?

I am facing two options:

1- Upgrade my Krell Vanguard with a Digital Media module that Krell will install or
2- Wait for more money in the bank and link the Vanguard to a new DAC Streamer (for instance the latest from PS Audio).

My Krell Vanguard powers Totem Forest speakers and is also linked to a vinyl system.

Any views ?
$1.5k. Not cheap...  And frankly I am a bit concerned about the direction of Krell these days, so I am not sure how much OS system there will be after
I have the Vanguard with the digital option already. What kind of money are they wanting for the upgrade?
wait it out. enjoy what you have and upgrade when necessary.

unless you're doing pro audio work - you don't need to keep upgrading everything all the time lol