Krell S300i vs Hegel H100 vs Parasound

Both the Krell and Hegel are about 1700 right now. I'm most likely going to be purchasing BW 803S or Dynaudio Focus 260/360.

Any opinions on these? Also I do have an older Rotel processor, would a Parasound Amp sound better with the Rotel then an integrated setup?
I'd strongly recommend finalizing your speaker choice first so you can optimize synergies in the critical amp/speaker pairing. I'd also greatly favor running a good integrated rather than pairing a good amp with your Rotel. I also had an older Rotel pre/pro (RSP 980 I think) and while not horrible it cannot provide the tonality, imaging, or overall refinement that the preamp section of a good integrated will provide. Don't make the mistake of underestimating the critical importance of the preamp in the audio chain. Hope this helps and best of luck.
I second everything that Soix said above. If your serious
about music, you want an integrated to drive your speakers.
Not HT gear.

The stereo preamp sections in HT processors are an
afterthought. Your Rotel was not designed with 2 channel
music in mind. It was designed for digital multi-channel.

After a ten plus year affair with the HT mistress, only to
constantly be left unsatisfied, I went back to a quality 2
channel integrated and have never been happier!

But decide upon the speakers first and then select the amp
that will properly drive those speakers.
Went ahead and ordered the Focus 340 today. Room is 12.5x13 with an open back.

I dont listen to my music loud but with enough volume to give it some liveliness. I'm sensitive to bright sounds and it fatigues me. Anything on the warmer sound would be great.
Congrats on the Dyns. I think you made a good choice. They are great sounding speakers and I am sure you will not find them fatiguing with their soft dome tweeters.

Either amp you're considering will do a more than adequate job driving the Dyns as the power output between the two is negligible. My preference would be the Hegel H100. Hope you hear from others who actually own these units and comment from experience. Good luck and enjoy the new system!
Agree with Paraneer you made the right choice and congrats. Given your preferences I'd recommend the Hegel over the Krell. If you read the reviews the Krell excels in power and control and from the mids on down, but since you don't listen all that loudly I'm not sure the power and control would be all that important to you. Of more concern is the treble that has been described as thin and brittle and upper mids as nasal and more rosin than tone on strings. For those reasons the Krell doesn't seem like a good fit for you, but the Hegel on the other hand would seem to be an excellent fit with its more refined or less pronounced upper mids/treble relative to the Krell. Hard to see you being disappointed with the Hegel.

If you can stretch your budget and would consider buying used, some other brands worth considering would be Ayre, Pass Labs, and maybe Musical Fidelity. Or perhaps even going higher up the Hegel line. Given you're running $7500 speakers I'd think they would reward you the higher up you go if you can swing it. Best of luck in whatever you choose.