Krell S1200 or Yamaha CXA5100?

These 2 seem to be close in used price 1500 for Yamaha and 2K for basic S1200 Krell.  I am looking for best quality performance through HDMI DTS MA and Dolby TRU HD. I am using a Panasonic UB900 which seems to be a good digital transport compared to the other BR players I"ve had and since it has dual HDMI outs I don't care about video capabilities of the processor and don't care about the atmos feature since I'm only using 5.1 speaker setup. Just audio from HDMI is mainly all I'm concerned about.

Showing 10 responses by auxinput

Oh, there might be some things that you will have to use the standard COAX digital input for.  One example is a source that uses "Dolby Digital Plus".  Some others I have found are some very old DVD titles (for some reason, it only works through COAX s/pdif).

The audio quality of the Krell S1200 is going to be significantly superior to anything the Yamaha will be able to produce. I own the S1200 and have auditioned many other HT processors. However, there are some quirks in the S1200 that you’ll have to live with if you want to go this route.

- Krell has unstable audio (cannot lock onto audio or audio with beeps/clicks) when decoding compressed DD/DTS using "HDMI A" mode. This can be worked around by setting up another input that uses "HDMI S" mode. "HDMI A" mode must be used when decoding DTS-HD or TrueHD bluray sound. However, be aware that blurays will typically have the previews and menu audio output using compressed Dolby Digital. I usually use a "HDMI S" input when I first put a bluray in. When I click on "Play movie" from the menu, I immediately switch to the "HDMI A" input.

-Krell has bugs in "DTS-HD MA 48k 5.1/7.1" mode (which is what most blurays use). The dynamic range compression is applied even though the menu settings indicate it is off (Krell has 2.0 patch for this). Also, Krell ignores any crossover settings for speakers and plays each speaker at full range (i.e. even though fronts may be set to 80Hz). The ".1" LFE channel still works correctly. Krell does not have any patch for this at this time.

Krell has no problem with the "96k DTS-HD" mode (but this isn’t used by movies).

You can avoid both of the problems above by configuring your Panasonic bluray player to output PCM for all audio (instead of bitstream). Krell S1200 has no problem handling 5.1 PCM and the sound will still be superior to the Yamaha CXA5100. However, the Krell has a very slight improvement in sound quality when decoding DTS-HD/TrueHD when compared to 5.1 PCM. However, it’s still leaps and bounds above the Yamaha.

Firmware update on the S1200 is still done through RS232 serial port/cable.  Krell has a special software program you can install on a laptop/computer to write new firmware to the S1200.

The sonic signature of the S1200 is going to be very similar to the HTS 7.1, but better in my opinion due to supporting hi-res audio/bluray and a better digital section (Sabre DAC with TCXO clock). The HTS 7.1 was the first line of products from Krell where they made the analog circuits much higher bandwidth. This gave us a faster sound, faster attack, more clarity and detail. Some people also feel that it is too bright/forward sounding ("in your face" sound). I personally love this sound for both music and movies because it gives a sense of realism that warmer systems do not have. If this is not what you’re looking for, then maybe S1200 would not be a good choice.

The AVS / KAV300r / KAV250P were all older devices back when Dan D’Agostino was influencing the design and all had a warmer and more laid back sound. I have found that Dan likes designing towards a warmer/richer sonic signature. While you could use a combination of these three preamps to handle the analog output of the bluray player, it is going to be nearly impossible to match the volume output of each as you turn the sound up and down during different movies/music (each preamp has a completely different volume indicator and may have different steps). For example, even having the center channel 2 db less than left/right will cause vocals to sound very far away and hard to hear. If you wanted to do something like this, you would want 3 of the exact same preamps, such as 3 KAV-250P, so that you could use the same remote to control the volume steps. In addition, the analog output of the UB900 is going to be sub-par.

If I went that direction, I would want an bluray player with an extremely good analog stage, such as Oppo BDP-105 or something. You could also look at a 7-channel analog preamp, such as Parasound P7. This ultimately would be more money than buying a used S1200.

Since you liked the warmer/richer sound of the AVS, I would look hard at the Marantz AV8802/AV8802A as a modern replacement. The only difference is that the "A" model supports the new HDCP 2.2 protocol. The Marantz sound is slightly on the warm side of neutral, but still very detailed. Many people love the "musicality" of Marantz. It also has excellent power supply and discrete fully-differential balanced audio circuits (in case you want to use XLR cables). They are ranging from $2300 to $2700 used. There’s a 8802 on ebay now for $2300.

Alternatively, you could look at Marantz 7702/7703. They are cheaper and maybe more in your budget. However, the main power supply on these is half the size of the 8802 and the analog audio channels are all condensed onto one board. The 8802 has 13 individual boards for each analog channel. Sound quality is not going to be as good as 8802.

By the way, the bugs I mentioned above are for the newer "3D" version of the S1200, which has an HDMI 1.4 board (same as 707). 

I don't know if this affects the older non-3D version of the S1200, which had the HDMI 1.3 board.  These two versions also have completely different firmware.

Ah, when you send hi-res audio to the HTS 7.1 using the digital COAX input, the Krell will automatically down-convert any sampling rate to a maximum of 48Khz before sending it to the DAC. Both 24/96 and 24/192 are downconverted to 24/48. The 24/88.2 and 24/176.4 are down-converted to 24/44.1. This could be the factor of why the HTS was similar to the Yamaha receiver.

The S1200 has this same behavior through the digital COAX input. However, when you play hi-res audio such as 24/96 from a bluray player and send it through HDMI using a "HDMI A" configuration on the Krell S1200, the Krell will receive and do DAC conversion on the full hi-res sampling rate.

Just for your information, many receivers and processors will downconvert sampling data to 48khz anyways because it’s internal DSP bus is limited to 48Khz communications. This can be happening even though the receiver/processor is displaying "24/96" or "24/192". It’s a little known fact.

There are a few HT processors out there that will truly do full bandwith DAC processing. Bryston SP3 is one of them. I think the Krell S1200 could be another.

Unfortunately, I do not have a definite list.  I know that the Theta Casablanca will limit everything to 96khz, which is really good (but it's not going to be the same as a 192khz DAC).  I believe that I read the Classe SSP-800 will automatically convert everything to 96Khz before it sends the data to the DAC chips (they state that 96khz is the best rate for those specific DAC chips).

There are many processors that will use an off-the-shelf DSP board or similar.  These DSP boards have a backplane data bus that is limited to 48Khz.  This means that everything is automatically "sample rate converted" to a maximum of 48Khz regardless of the source media.  Most receivers will do this and some processors, depending on what the manufacturer is doing.  This is perfectly fine for home theater and movies as blurays will not be produce higher than 24bit / 48Khz (except maybe for 1 out of 10,000).  But it will still be a limiting factor if you are trying to use the processor/receiver to play 2-channel hi-res audio (such as 24/96 or 24/192).  This has been going on for years.

It's difficult to say what is really going on inside a receiver.  This may be changing as manufacturers may be implementing better DSP modules and backplanes.

If you are primary using a processor for movies or analog preamp, you're fine.  You can use an dedicated external DAC for doing any of the critical 2-channel music.

hi maella.  Yes, I have had the same problems with responses from Krell.  I think they are very busy sometimes.  You just have to keep on them and keep calling if you want a response.  Krell has their own "Flashloader" software that will upgrade the firmware using a normal RS232 serial cable (NOT a NULL MODEM cable).  Firmware is specific to the serial number of the unit as there are many versions of firmware for the S1200 / S1200U / S1200U-3D.

Actually, all the above problems I have documented were fixed by a DSP board replacement.  I think the problems may have been bugs or bad components in the original "Gen 1" version of the DSP board, as several others have documented the same problems on their S1200 units.

Your unit has the Gen 1 Dual DSP board, which can no longer me made because the DSP IC’s were discontinued by the manufacture. This forced us to do some minor redesign work to the Dual DSP board, thus creating the Gen 2 Dual DSP board. This will work fine for your application but will require new faceplate software to be loaded up into the unit after the install.

That was one of the responses I got back from Krell.  I think your best bet is to fill out a Service Request form and send your S1200 in for repair.  I would specifically request the installation of the Gen 2 DSP board.  Actually, once I did a service RMA request and sent the unit it, it was fixed pretty quickly.  Right now, the service department might be backed up because I have another friend who has been waiting about 4 weeks for his Krell preamp to be repaired.

My Krell S1200U was still under warranty, so they did not charge me for the Gen 2 board.  I don't know what the cost would be if you had to buy it.  I think it could potentially be a couple thousand dollars.