Krell or Classe?

Well everyone I have an age old question. I need your thoughts on whether I should go with the Krell KAV-300i or the Classe CAP-150 integrated amps........thanks!
Im an owner of a krell fpb 300 and kav 250 krc pre go for the krell you will be able to sell it alot faster If you want to up grade I almost bought a classe 400 amp i owned ca100 good amp but the ca4oo doesnt come close to the krell although krell is way over priced If it sounds bright try dynaudio out or gershmanacoustics with a Naim 3.5 cd player you will be pleased dont for get naims up grade power supply its called a flat cap
Im an owner of a krell fpb 300 and kav 250 krc pre go for the krell you will be able to sell it alot faster If you want to up grade I almost bought a classe 400 amp i owned ca100 good amp but the ca4oo doesnt come close to the krell although krell is way over priced If it sounds bright try dynaudio out or gershmanacoustics speakers with a Naim 3.5 cd player you will be pleased dont for get naims up grade power supply its called a flat cap
buy the krell ive compared both try different speakers like GershmanAcoustics or dynaudio b&w and of course your cd player; try Naims cd player 3.5 with flat cap power supply then right me back youll hear the diff. If you play your music loud go for B&W or CELESTION another great speaker A3
In my opinion these are both extremely good units. I prefer the Krell for music which has a lot of material below 100hz. Bass and transiets are the krells stronghold. However, the highs can tend to be aggressive at times. It is very important how you match the system in terms of cables and interconnects. The classe has a much warmer presentation which some may find more favorable for music like string quartets. I think the classe does not have the bottom end of the Krell. It all boils down to what kind of music you favor. If you want the best of both worlds consider the Plinius 8150. Again, this just my opinion.
Try the Pilinius 8150. It will blow both the Krell & the Classé out of the water. But then again everything is on the rest of the system how each of the amplifiers will end up sounding. I was comparing the Krell, Classe and the YBA DT, I almost bought the YBA but when I listened to the Pilinius it was very clear what is the best integrated on the market.