Krell or Classe?

Well everyone I have an age old question. I need your thoughts on whether I should go with the Krell KAV-300i or the Classe CAP-150 integrated amps........thanks!

Showing 1 response by justin1234

In my opinion these are both extremely good units. I prefer the Krell for music which has a lot of material below 100hz. Bass and transiets are the krells stronghold. However, the highs can tend to be aggressive at times. It is very important how you match the system in terms of cables and interconnects. The classe has a much warmer presentation which some may find more favorable for music like string quartets. I think the classe does not have the bottom end of the Krell. It all boils down to what kind of music you favor. If you want the best of both worlds consider the Plinius 8150. Again, this just my opinion.