Krell or Classe?

Well everyone I have an age old question. I need your thoughts on whether I should go with the Krell KAV-300i or the Classe CAP-150 integrated amps........thanks!

Showing 1 response by whiggsterba81

I am a systems designer for a well regarded custom installer in the midwest (also hi-fi salon ie, sonic frontiers,classe,krell,anthem,mcintosh,genesis,hales audio,snell acoustics,etc)I have spent countless hours listening to both the CAP-150/151 and krell 300i with all manner of digital front ends through numerous speakers. I have found both to be fully satisfying entry level hi-fi integrated amps. However, they are also very different sounding. The classe is VERY smooth and detailed in the upper-mids and the highs,base slam on the other hand is decidedly lacking. The Krell has incredibly controlled base and what seems to be unlimited head-room, however, DO NOT use this integrated with a forward (aka.BRIGHT)sounding speaker. The krell's mids and highs are very clean with a tendency toward being a bit analytical,(neutral). I would personally suggest the choice be made using musical preferences, Classe if most listened music is light jazz to string or piano classical, Krell if most listened music is orchestral,rock,blues,etc. I hope this helps,if any questions please e-mail me at: