Krell Moves to new location


@srace1  This whole situation seems odd to me. It seems like Will Buhler and JF Bicking would and should have been prepared for something like this if they have a stake in the company.

@invalid Exactly. My guess at this point is that they are just “flipping,” the brand and have no intention of being the owners. The behavior so far is not that of a person looking to own this company. I don’t expect to see a press release this week either. That looks like a stalling tactic. We will just have to wait and see who buys Krell.

Okay, all good information.  However like others, I do have a KSA-200s there for repair.  He mentions that the equipment would be shipped back to everyone.  I spent 500 bucks to ship it there back in March.  Yes, I would like to get my amp back but I would like it repaired first.  I guess getting it back broken is better than not getting it back at all but.....I then wasted good money to ship it there.  Lets hope on the bright side that this all works out for everyone.