I agree with Roor, I also had the Krell KAV-280p & 2250, this combo had plenty of power, but sounded dead/monotone and one-dimensional when directly compared to PASS & BAT Amps on my Wilson Audio Sophia Spkrs. If cost is an issue, then I would go for the KAV-400xi Int. Amp. which in my System, sounded a shade-of-gray below the KAV seperates at 1/3 of the price. The Krell Evolution (& old FPB series) Amps sound infinately better than the KAV, as do the current-model PASS & BAT (and maybe even McIntosh) Amps that I have tried.
I'm suprised that Krell's new S300i Int. Amp. hasn't received much bashing here, the sonics on that thing are more aligned to Kitchen (radio) or College Dorm. Room casual listening, than in a "HiFi System". Made in China doesn't help either. If you look at the listings here - most are being sold immediately after they were bought, or within a week or so...I can't believe that the same Company that makes the state-of-the-art FBI Int. Amp. ($16K) put out this crap...what ever happen to protecting the brand (BMW, Rolex, Wilson Audio, WOLF, Sub-Zero, etc.)?
I'm suprised that Krell's new S300i Int. Amp. hasn't received much bashing here, the sonics on that thing are more aligned to Kitchen (radio) or College Dorm. Room casual listening, than in a "HiFi System". Made in China doesn't help either. If you look at the listings here - most are being sold immediately after they were bought, or within a week or so...I can't believe that the same Company that makes the state-of-the-art FBI Int. Amp. ($16K) put out this crap...what ever happen to protecting the brand (BMW, Rolex, Wilson Audio, WOLF, Sub-Zero, etc.)?