Krell kav-400xi with show case dvd or dvd standad?

i just bought a Krell kav-400xi, i also ordered a pair of b&w cm1.
now i need a cd/dvd player.
1. krell showcase dvd about $850 used
2. krell dvd standard about $1500 used
which one should i take? i play 70% music (cd and ipod) and 30% movie.
thank for your input.

Showing 2 responses by wef678

thank you for your info.
i want to make it krell, no other brand for this setup.
it should be ok for movie if go showcase dvd, but i want to know how it play CDs?
is showcase dvd is good cd player? will dvdstandard worth 2x price to make it a better cd player?
i just read Dave's post, he has 4 krell 400xi at home, but i am not sure if he has dvd standard or showcase to compare side by side.