"Krell" is a buzzword

When I look at how the posts involving Krell deteriorate to the point of civil(actually not so civil) war, I have to say that "Krell" has become a buzzword. It seems as if you just have to mention the name, and the mobilization begins. Sooner or later the insults sink to the level that make the thread completely unrecognizable from the original question. I am more neutral than not on Krell(probably not many of us around). Used to dream about them in my bigger is better solid state days, but have since moved in other directions. Now I am a definite tubeophile, and don't even think about Krell. But, I don't say you cannot build a great system around their products. Just have to apply the right surrounding components. But don't you have to do that with many brands of amp? So, do you agree that Krell has become a buzzword, and why?

Showing 2 responses by david99

I agree! As I progress up the audio ladder I find even though it sounds better I run into problems I didnt expect.Fine tuning is something that has to be done with any worth wild stereo.Should I just "dump" something and start over? I have more dedication and will power then that.My stereo has developed into a very sensitive and neutral beast.I wasnt ready for that when I got my Aleph-3.I do have some upper-mid brightness but will I 'dump" the 3?? Nope,I'll just work on it till its right.Does the 3 "suck" cause of that??
I find it interesting whenever there is a long thread about Krell,Bose is always mentioned.