Krell HTS1 and KAV-1500 Operating Questions

What is the DB-25 connector? Is it supposed to replace the 5 interconnects for each channel. Is there an disadvantage to using this?

Also, if I'm hooking the Krell KAV-1500 amp to a Monster Power HTS-5100 with a AVS200, do I really need a dedicated outlet for the amp as described in the owners manual.

And last question, how much headroom does the HTS1 need? Can I stack a DVD player on top of it? I know the amp needs at least 4".

Thank you!!!

Showing 1 response by samski

I would avoid stacking the hts as it tends to get a little warm, the db connection is designed to replace the interconnects, , you can also call krell service, they have great customer service, good luck