Krell FPB200 or Levinson 334 ?

I am looking for a power amp to drive a pair of B&W Nautilus 805. Currently I am hesitating between the FPB200 and 334. They are sold by different dealers so I can't have a A/B comparison. Any opinion please ? I mainly listen to jazz and soft rock, and like pin-point imaging. The CD player originally in my mind is a Wadia 861, but with the current situation with Wadia I think I'll hold on for a while before upgrading my CD player. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by johnsy72a6

Levinsons sounds warmer, more tubey. Krell is more detailed but is more prone to digititis! I'd go for the Levinsons! But you might also consider the Mark Levinson Integrated which can easily drive your speakers as well.