Krell FPB200 or Levinson 334 ?

I am looking for a power amp to drive a pair of B&W Nautilus 805. Currently I am hesitating between the FPB200 and 334. They are sold by different dealers so I can't have a A/B comparison. Any opinion please ? I mainly listen to jazz and soft rock, and like pin-point imaging. The CD player originally in my mind is a Wadia 861, but with the current situation with Wadia I think I'll hold on for a while before upgrading my CD player. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by bmc3108107

The Levinson 334 is a GREAT amp - it has excellent bass and sounds somewhat analog in the mids and highs (the best of both worlds). It is also a very good match with B&W speakers. To me the Krell is more 'digital' or harsh sounding (I have not listened to the Krell with B&W speakers). These are my impressions, you should listen and judge for yourself - preferably in your own home. Perhaps each of the two dealers can lend you a 'demo' for a couple of days so you can compare them. Most of the high end audio shops by me (Chicago) offer demo listening periods before buying. Good luck.