Krell FPB vs Plinius SA-103 vs Pass Labs XA60.5

Advise needed for power amp upgrade please. Current setup is Modwright 5400ES player; Aesthetix Calypso pre & Krell FPB300c power amp driving Von Schweikert VR-33s. I'm very happy with this setup; only minor gripes is a touch of hardness on a few older CDs, a bit of congestion on complex musical crescendoes and sometimes I can do with a bit more sparkle in the top-end at low volumes. Then the Krell went up in smoke! After repairs, it just wasn't the same.
I've narrowed replacement power amp options within my budget down to:-
1) Used Krell FPB400cx;
2) Plinius SA-103;
3) Or maybe I can stretch to a pair of Pass Labs XA60.5.
Grateful for advise, especially from members who have owned at least 2 of my above options. Many thanks.

Showing 2 responses by knghifi

Solentgreen, what cables are you using? I had 3 Krell amps, KSA100S, FPB300 and FPB600 and found MIT ICs and SCs worked best. Some cables such as Nordost can make them sound thin and harsh. I don't like Krell pres and have always mate them with tube pre.

What tubes are you rolling in the MW 5400ES? I had a MW Transporter and you can improve congestion by rolling TS NOS 5u4gb and BT CV-181 ... my favorites.

I'm sure you know PCs can help the congestion problem too.
Solentgreen, If you go with Krell, get the monos and smearing problem will improve further.

I would also checkout Evo series. I find the darkness improved from KSA to FPB and I heard it was further improved in the Evo series.