Krell FPB Owner want to try Tube Amp or Integrated

I have a Krell FPB-300 and it seems where ever I go everyone is saying that this product is edgy and is a bright Amp, ( I think I need to compare )
I would like to audition a reasonable priced integraded or Tube-Amp, should be priced at the bottom of the top of the line Tube-Amps.

I know there is hundred of them, I'm looking for the best value for the $$$ with a Class A performance.

Can be european or north american

Your thoughts
Thank you

Showing 1 response by stevecham

I run a Krell 400cx into Thiel CS6. This is NOT a harsh system. Do not be taken in by tube "mythology." That Krell you own is wonderful piece of equipment and is state of the art. Patekswiss said it all: fast, authoritative and in control.

You won't get that with tubes, can't be done. They can't push the current with the same linearity.