Krell FPB Owner want to try Tube Amp or Integrated

I have a Krell FPB-300 and it seems where ever I go everyone is saying that this product is edgy and is a bright Amp, ( I think I need to compare )
I would like to audition a reasonable priced integraded or Tube-Amp, should be priced at the bottom of the top of the line Tube-Amps.

I know there is hundred of them, I'm looking for the best value for the $$$ with a Class A performance.

Can be european or north american

Your thoughts
Thank you

Showing 1 response by readargos

If *you* are happy with the Krell, then I would not worry about what others say. Furthermore, I have noticed many posts on Krell gear in general, at various forums, criticizing the products as edgy and bright. Indeed, that may have been the case with the early Krell gear of 10-20 years ago. However, in my experience, that is simply not true of the current line. If anything, I would say the treble in their current KAV line is slightly shelved down. Among published audio reviews, you will likely notice that Krell gear is labeled as dark, not bright!

Nevertheless, there is something about the Krell sound that some listeners dislike. I can understand that perspective. Simply calling Krell bright, harsh, edgy, or any of the other critiques leveled at the worst aspects of solid-state gear is, however, inaccurate. I do not think it reflects an honest evaluation of the Krell products, or, at least, an honest attempt at explaining what these listeners disliked about the product.

I have limited experience with tube gear, but I like what I've heard from BAT. In fact, I would argue that their new VK-300X integrated with super-tube option shares sonic similarities with Krell's current KAV-300iL integrated. Both products are ever-so-slightly dark.

Good luck with the hunt if you find that you must keep looking.