Krell Evo 302 or Burmester 956 mk2

I am using Krell amp with Burmester 011 preamp and 001 cd player. I wonder if the amp from Burmester would be a better match than the Krell. However, have no chance to try Burmester or compare it in any way. Would appreciate to hear an opinion from someone who has actually heard or compared both amps. Thank you

Showing 1 response by jsch9876

dont argue with an American over 55, they're all complete morons.  they see everything as "team USA"..and the world map like it's 1985. everything slots into place according to that.  audiolabryrinth is just one of these dried up overly proud Americans that is stuck in the past.  I'm American, btw.  I have to put up with it everywhere I turn.  even if they've traveled it doesn't help. there's just something wrong with their brains.  it's probably television. 

btw, I'm had both Burmester and krell.  there is no real comparison.  Burmester is crystal clear music.  krell is hifi. it's just different.  and krell looks like trash.  it's Porsche vs mustang.  a mustang is a toy that goes fast.   you want really good American brands that can compete on the global stage?  Ayre and Boulder.  even then, Burmester's sound is so clear, it doesn't sound like hifi..and yes, to the earlier comment.  it's timeless. but the Ayre MX-R Twenty mono blocks are spooky good...