Krell Evo 302 or Burmester 956 mk2

I am using Krell amp with Burmester 011 preamp and 001 cd player. I wonder if the amp from Burmester would be a better match than the Krell. However, have no chance to try Burmester or compare it in any way. Would appreciate to hear an opinion from someone who has actually heard or compared both amps. Thank you

Showing 7 responses by audiolabyrinth

That does not suprise me in the least bit that the krell is a better amp than Burmester, krell does not get a fair shake like you gave it, really an unfair shake, try that krell EVO 302 with a Krell Phantom pre-amp and it's over!
In general, Krell makes far superior amps than Burmester,you just have to through the History and pick your flavor of sound, each model, and model within the models sound different from one to the other, Burmester cannot make such a claim.
HR1, that is your opinion, are you a german?, them guys always believe what they make is better than the U.S.A. makes, That's why they lost w.w.two!, an example as to why you are wrong is the now Obsolete Krell KPS 25sc, Burmester, Really?, get out of here with that noise!, Burmester has never made anything to the quality of that krell piece alone, hey, and what about the Krell Master refference mono blocks, you got to be kidding right?, seems you really do NOT know anything about krell with a claim that you made!
HR1, really, The op said the krell EVO 302 was better to him than the Burmester amp he auditioned!, Burmester is over priced Euro equipment!, there is no such a thing as best period!, Rather preference to the end user, you sound as if you are a dealer?, I tell you what, I will put my modded brand new krell 700cx amp against any Burmester stereo amp in front of a panel of judges blind folded and wipe the Burmester off the face of the Earth with sound quality my friend!, now you have no idea what is inside my amp that is not stock!
like I said, I do not stand alone here, The op himself said he preffered the krell over your over priced Burmester equipment,your the only one here screaming Burmester, My first comment was that I was not suprised of the out come of the preference by the op that he liked the krell amp instead of the Burmester, thats all intended to say, then you come along and blew all this up like burmester is the holy grail of audio!, again, another like I said, preference is at the end users tast, what part of that you do not understand, there really is no winner here, just preference, and that seemed to up-set you someone prefered krell over burmester that happened to be the op here, loud has nothing to do with it, as a matter of fact, I know set tube amplifiers that sound better than your beloved over priced Burmester, and for your information, since you know it all, I have listened to some older burmester amps years ago, it's not like amplification has done leaps and bounds with technology these days!, I know many systems with 20 year old amps that eat up most new equipment in sound quality!, krell fan has nothing to do with this, everything to do with your Bold statement of burmester is best and nothing else comes close!
Hr1, Hi, I wanted to say I'm sorry for my conflict with you here, I'm not perfect, But I will be a gentleman and ask for you to please forgive me, I should have moved on instead of doing this with you, like I said, there is no winner here, preference rules the day, you are welcome to come to the cable thread called Tara labs cables, I would like for you to share audio there with us, you can talk about anything audio there, no such thing as staying on topic there, that is a snob deal that I do not care for, bloging is about shareing, in this case, everything audio!, cheers to you.
Hi Meridian23, Yamaha is very good in my book, back in the 80's, I had a R-100 reciever, to this day, I have never heard a better sounding reciever at any cost!, A prime example of what I am saying is the dicovery of an ad in the music Direct catalog 15, newest one out,I was shocked to read and adore the Yamaha specs and cosmetics, Yamaha is not fooling around, The Yamaha cd-s3000 sacd player/dac $5,999.00, The Yamaha A-s3000 intergrated amplifier $6,999.00,, I bet this equipment would kick the crap out of some big name higher priced gear, you think?