Krell coupling capacitor question

Does anyone out there have instructions for engaging the coupling capacitors on Krell amps? I have a pair of MCX 750s and I want to see if the capacitors make a difference when I use the Krells with a tube linestage. If you have a sheet you can fax, please email for my fax number. I suppose I could get the instructions directly from Krell, but I am hoping Agon comes through so I won't have to wait until Monday.

In the end I will report my impressions on the effect of the coupling capacitors.

The coupling caps are not for sound they are for blocking DC that some tube preamps pass to the amp. Krell is direct coupled I believe and DC will cause it problems and could make it stop playing.
I have a FPB 600c and am using a ARC LS25 MKII. I called Krell about the question of engaging the coupling capacitors and the service manager told me that it is perfectly ok for me to run the ARC tube pre-amp without engaging the coupling capacitors as the ARC pre-amp has excellent DC protection on its output stage.
