Krell and CJ PV12

If I may I have two questions that I would like to have answered, and then maybe more to follow!

How often does my PV-12 need a complete tune-up preformed on it? And what would cost be and how long would it take to complete?

And more important; is it typically safe to use the PV12 and a Krell KSA 100 Mark-II Solid-State Amp together.

The reason I ask is:

I recently had a normal maintenance preformed on my Krell Amp along with a fan problem fix.

But after three hours of using the Krell along with the CJ PV12; I noticed a static noise coming from the left speaker.

After shutting down all the equipment I checked out the speaker cable connection or possible electronic interference that might be causing the static.

After slightly adjusting the banana connections I power up the equipment and the noise seemed to had disappeared, but after about 10 minutes the static came back and the Krell shutdown, and would no longer fire up!!!!!

I shutdown the equipment, removed the Krell and replaced it with my CJ MV52 Amp, and still notice a slight static noise from the left speaker.

I once again shutdown the equipment then flip-flopped the Mullard tubes in the V5 and V6 sockets and the noise completely disappeared and after 10 hours of use has not returned. (I though as I was flipping V5 and V6 and while removing the tube in V5 it felt that it may not have been completely seated?)

I had to return the Krell back to the company’s service department this past Friday and when I explained the above I was informed that a DC feed back from the PV12 most likely had cause the Krell to shutdown and that there is a very good chance that damage to the Krell has occurred as a result.

They said the would fix whatever damage there maybe under warranty since it had been lees then a week, but that I really should not use the PV12 along with the Krell? And if I did I should have the caps and tubes replaced once a year?

My friend has a PV9 and the same Krell and is wondering if the same would hold true for his unit?

Showing 1 response by dusty

As long as your Krell is out for repair, take your PV12 to a tech and have it checked for DC output. Inform him of the Krell taking a DC hit (assuming that's the correct diagnosis from the Krell repair tech) and have him check the 12.
Tube power amps will not pass DC to your speakers (which is a good thing) but solid state amps will if they are DC coupled (I think the Krell is).
If you don't know of a good tube tech in your area I would recommend sending your PV12 to either C-J or to Bill Thalman of Music Technology. Bill was C-J tech director for many years.
Once both pieces are back, the time period between "complete tune-ups" depends on the amount of time that you listen. Buy good quality tubes from vendors that have been in the business awhile (I use Upscale Audio) and make sure your gear gets plenty of ventilation.