Krell amplifier with Hales speakers?

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on they synergy of my system concerning the amplification. My current system consists of a Well Tempered turntable, Acoustech ph-1p phono stage, and Krell KAV 250cd front ends, these feeding a Krell KAV 300i integrated amplifier. I have all Audioquest ruby interconnects, and Audioquest type 6 speaker cables. My speakers are Hales Revelation Threes. I am wanting to upgrade my preamp/amplifier, should I go with seperates? I am looking at a Krell krc 3 preamp, and either Krell monoblocks (kma 100) or Ksa 150 amplifier.

Showing 2 responses by kevinkwann

These speakers are not inherently bright. Your electronics are not able to drive them properly and your speaker is telling you that very clearly.