krell amp and preamp keep for life.....

hi, to all krell fans (i'm one of them) i just bought a set of vintage krell amp and preamp (ksa 50 and pam-1) that are really good sounding. I can't believe when these two items are combine together and they can create magics. Even as of today (30 years later) they are still a champ. So now i would like to know does anybody has a set of krell amp and preamp that they would like to keep for life. ( i have one now, the best part is they are still serviceable )..go krell for life
My feeling about equipment is this..find something you like and stop looking and start listening. Are there better amps, speakers, source equipment than what we have, I'm sure. They call it the equipment merry go round for a reason, you can only take the ride if you can afford the ticket. If you enjoy the thrill of the ride (testing, comparing equipment looking for the "best") you can go broke buying the ticket (buying the equipment). Enjoy your Krell, they make nice equipment.
I liked my Krell KSA-50 and other Krell gear too when I owned it. But making the occasional upgrade is what keeps this hobby interesting.
I bought a used Krell FBI just over two years ago and it will probably be around for a while
FPB 300cx amp: 10 years young and going strong. Never think about changing it. Never disappoints.
