Koetsu sound

I have listened to the Koetsu Urushi. How do the others Koetsus relate to this cartridge. The Rosewood SIgnature, the Onyx Platinum. The diamond canteliver option?

Showing 2 responses by khrys

Excellent posts above, most of which I totally agree. To my ear the Rosewood Signature Platinum captures the quintessential Koetsu sound, something that will never disappoint when used in a neutral arm like the Graham. The Onyx sounds to me like Koetsu's tribute to the inevitable, all its considerable glory notwithstanding. Personally, my ear is leaning toward a more agile and neutral cartridge, say the Lyra Helikon, paired with a more romantic arm like the Wheaton Triplanar. But I think the Koetsu/Graham would be an equally appealing antithesis.
Jaica, I have your exact analog front end except I use the Wheaton Triplanar on the Delphi V with turbo power supply. To my ear you have paired a wonderfully neutral and detailed yet musical cartridge with an equally neutral if slightly less musical arm. I think the Oracle works really best with a synergy between cartridge and arm which you may have inadvertantly missed. Pair a romantic cartridge with a neutral arm, say Koetsu/Graham and you're in heaven. Or, pair a neutral cartridge with a romantic arm, say Helikon/Triplanar and you've attained nirvana, my particular preference. I have used many arms on the Oracle including ET2, SME IV/V, Graham 1.5/2.0, and to my ear the Triplanar is the clear "magical" match for the Oracle. So, keep the Helikon (you really don't want to give up this gem) and trade the Graham for a Triplanar ( the visual improvement alone is worth the effort). Or trade the Helikon for a Koetsu RSP and split the difference. Or keep what you have and enjoy the neutrality of neutrality.