Koetsu RoseWood Standard upgrade?

Just mounted a Koetsu RoseWood Standard dIrectly into a Shindo Monbrison.
Is the price difference for the Signature worth the sonic improvement?
My "old" ears ain't what they used to be!
Also, should an Auditorium 23 tranny be used or is the Shindo enough?

Shindo Monbrison
Shindo Montille
VPI Scout II
Auditorium 23 cables all around

Showing 2 responses by birddogthecat

The art of great sound goes beyond the mathematics of sufficient output. If it was that easy, everyone with basic electronic circuitry skills could do it.

To tap into that famous Koetsu magic (and, it is indeed magical) it takes more than a formula.

I have traveled the Koetsu ladder for over 2 decades finally arriving at the Platinum Tigereye. However, to unlock all the nuance that I paid for in reaching the Tigereye level, I recommend the Bob's Devices Sky 30 or the Blue Series 1131. See Art Dudley's Review:

I have the Koetsu Platinum Tigereye mounted on a VPI 12.7i arm. The synergy between cartridge & arm is excellent.