Koetsu Rosewood Sig or other Koetsu on medium mass arms

I have a Kuzma Ref 313 arm with a mass of 13 grams. It's a gimbal type arm. I'm looking for opinions, experiences, or direct user results on how a Koetsu might match up with a well made medium mass arm like the Kuzma.  

Showing 3 responses by mijostyn

Frank Kuzma is a very interesting guy. Here is an interview. It transfers to English during the interview.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWvXgfjEPoA
He will do and try just about anything, any type of tonearm, any type of turntable. The only thing I can think of that he does not do are MM cartridges. Like Frank Schroder some of his designs go a step further into the brilliant category like the 4 Point arms. He now makes a full air bearing turntable. Some of his designs violate his own principles, I guess out of his desire to meet market demands or keep the price down. The Stabi M is a fantastic turntable.
The only thing I can add to Lewm's excellent post is that you always use a disc with horizontal and vertical resonance tracks and test it yourself. Starting out with a lighter arm is safe. You can always add mass but it can be very tough to remove it. My guess is that you will have to add some. Soundsmith sells and excellent set of graded cartridge mounting knurled screws. https://sound-smith.com/accessories/ez-mount-cartridge-screws
I like to get it as low as possible about 8 Hz. My experience with subwoofers is that this improves the bass. Not what you hear but what you feel.
According to posts on this site Mark Baker offers some of the worst customer service of any equipment manufacturer which is sad because his arms are not bad.