Koetsu cartridges - myth or reality?

Hi guys - I am looking to upgrade my 1 year old Dynavector xx1 MC cartridge - I have heard (and read) for many years that Koetsu cartridges are a great option for those looking for musicality, right timbre and lush-sounding analog.

Digging further I find that some cathegorize them as slow sounding, not great tracking and poor price/performance ratio as well... I am looking for advise from those who have experience with Koetsu - particulary those who moved from a fast sounding cartrdige like Dyna, Clearaudio or Lyra - missing anything once you moved?



Showing 5 responses by sirspeedy

I think Raul makes a superlative point("Bravo" for bringing this up Raul)about some arms allowing Koetsus to shine,beyond other choices.

I am always amazed how some Koetsu owners claim sonic nirvana(or the opposite)with some of the arm choices used with them.

Regardless of some claims...these are very good cartridges,and deserve the absolute best in arm matings!

Because of the varying needs of the different models(how many are there now,and from past models?....Like maybe a zillion?) -:).....one should pay really close attention to mating the "best" arm.

This particular subject should "definitely" fall into someone like Raul's "expertise of arms,and match-ups"!!

Good luck
I have owned about four Koetsu designs,ranging from "Black","ONYX","ONYX PLATINUM",and "URUSHI"....All were superb and musical designs.

I view the line,compared to other mfgrs like a musician would compare different "tone woods" on a specific acoustic guitar.

Some woods,like Maple,will give a dynamic hard/clean sound that best serves hard driving music,and some prefer a warm sounding "tone wood" like Rosewood or Mahogany,which gives full justice to some music types.

ALL are viable choices!!!....Btw,a friend has BOTH the Lyra Titan-i and the Koetsu Coral Stone.He loves both,but prefers the Coral Stone on vocal music,where he feels it has no peers.

Best of luck.
Well,on the mass over pivot subject(which IS very interesting,btw)take a look at the Caliburn Copperhead white pages,on this subject.
They feel(which is a very good point)that low mass over the pivot allows for a far better ability of an arm to navigate the groove walls,and allow the arm to be freed up to give more detail.
Quite interesting actually!

Isanchez...superb post.I'll re-read those reviews to refresh my memory,having read the TNT review awhile ago.Fun to revisit quality products like this arm.

BTW,I had a friend who ran a Koetsu Onyx on an early version 507,and he had little to complain about.The speakers were the huge Beveridge designs,so the possibility of some "sweetening" of sound may have been at play,but it sure was interesting to listen to!
