Koetsu cartridges - myth or reality?

Hi guys - I am looking to upgrade my 1 year old Dynavector xx1 MC cartridge - I have heard (and read) for many years that Koetsu cartridges are a great option for those looking for musicality, right timbre and lush-sounding analog.

Digging further I find that some cathegorize them as slow sounding, not great tracking and poor price/performance ratio as well... I am looking for advise from those who have experience with Koetsu - particulary those who moved from a fast sounding cartrdige like Dyna, Clearaudio or Lyra - missing anything once you moved?



Showing 4 responses by flg2001

Thanks Raul - you are not the first one who say that the Dyna in the SME will really shine - I will definitely take my time there - the arm will be here next Wednesday.

I remeber you recommending me the Sumiko Celebration for the SME - do you still agree?

Wow - terrific feedback - thanks so far!

1.- I like coloured presentation IF it is musical (which based on your kind response seems like the Koetsu line does).

2.- If you had the chance to take a look at my system - I own Avantgarde speakers - which are fabulous BUT a b****h to tame! particulary on keeping the midrange OUT of the horn - this might call to try first due to the midrange presentation you all described (and I feel tempted to try).

3.- My amp is 300B based (ergo - GREAT mids) - this stacks up to my last comment.

4.- I LOVE this hobby.

Thanks all for your feedback - I forgot mentioning that I already bought an SME IV tonearm - (currently on its way thru FedEX - and that is the reason of looking for a change of cartridge.

I agree with the description of the Dynavector sound - nothing to complain at except of a not so envolving presentation - tonality is great. speed and decay are fine as well, but a little lightweight presentation overall (could be my modified RB300?).

There is a Coral Blue (?) listed here at a reasonable price - but I just can't find any feedback on that particular Koetsu model. Hunting season started!

Raul - Some say that the 507 is a quite heavy arm for a suspension table - and is more suited for heavy-non-suspended turntables as yours - do you agree?