Koetsu cartridges - myth or reality?

Hi guys - I am looking to upgrade my 1 year old Dynavector xx1 MC cartridge - I have heard (and read) for many years that Koetsu cartridges are a great option for those looking for musicality, right timbre and lush-sounding analog.

Digging further I find that some cathegorize them as slow sounding, not great tracking and poor price/performance ratio as well... I am looking for advise from those who have experience with Koetsu - particulary those who moved from a fast sounding cartrdige like Dyna, Clearaudio or Lyra - missing anything once you moved?



Showing 2 responses by downunder

I own both the dyna XV-1 and Koetsu Rosewood.

Yes the rosewood is warmer sounding, slightly fatter less deep bass and a little rolled off - but it sounds fabulous!!
I also have VPI HRX so they will work nicely on the 12.5 arm. Also try if you are game the cartridge man isolator. Works wonders on the koetsu, not so good on the dyna as it was right near the top of the VTA tower.


What would you put on a phantom and dyna DV 507 arm if you had a dyna XV-1 and Koetsu cartridge??