Klyne Audio Arts SK-5 Manual

Relatively new here, I just came into possession of a Klyne SK-5 preamp. It is in amazing condition for its age (1984) and is a very welcome addition to my system.

The unit did not come with a manual and I am having a very difficult time locating one. The phono stage requires the correct setting of 2 banks of 10 (for each channel) dip switches for load impedance/capacitance. Without the manual, I am having trouble setting up the phono stage correctly (too many combinations, without a guide to the dip switch settings.

if anyone has a manual (an extensive web search turned up empty) calls and emails to Klyne go unanswered and their website is minimal at best. I am willing to compensate anyone who has this manual or chart to set the dip switches, for their time and efforts.

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Showing 1 response by ronfranks

Just wondering if you came up with the needed information?  I have an SK-6 with phono stage and a manual.  Presuming the settings are the same, I should be able to help.  Please let me know.

I’ve recently tried in vain to contact Klyne Audio Arts.  They still have a website and an operational phone and I have left several messages but they won’t return my calls.  I can only assume their demise is imminent.  It’s a shame as their products are indeed works of art.  Nothing lasts forever. . .