Klipsh near New Hampshire

Hi...I live in New Hampshire...near Portsmouth. I have read
a lot of comments on the Klipschorns,Belle,and LaScalas. I
have never seen or heard any of these speakers...Is there anyone near that has any of these speakers and would be willing to let me listen to them...thanks Tony

Showing 1 response by jonm

The Heritage series (K-horn, Belle and LaScala) are unlikely to be at any Klipsch dealers. They are temporarily discontinued while Klipsch looks for new sources for the mid range and tweeter drivers. Occasionally you'll see a dealer with used K-horns (very occasionally). That's how I heard my first pair and eventually bought the ones I have. But given the drivers will be changing, what you hear today may not be what you get if you end up with new ones. Wait till later in the year when Klipsch figures out what drivers they'll be using going forward.