Klipsch vs. Dynaco A25

Putting together a vintage system with an Marantz 2230 receiver or possibly a McIntosh MC2505/MX113 amp/preamp. I'm wondering which speakers, Klipsch Heresy or Dynaco A25 would be the best way to go without a sub, though I'd like some decent bass. I listen to classic rock, 70s R&B and Cat Stevens-type stuff in a small to midsize living room. I'm open to other speaker suggestions, but I'd like to buy used and under $800.

Showing 1 response by martykl

A British magazine called (I think) Hi-Fi World has been doing an ongoing series on building a modern version of the A 25. The writer's been using an original A25 as his ongoing A-B reference. The magazine also has ads for someone selling a kit version of this "modern" A25. You might want to get the latest issue and e-mail the author of the article. He's certainly worked with the design enough to have a feel for its strengths and weaknesses.

Good Luck
