klipsch speakers,be honest

here's the deal,i have khorns & cornwalls,i struggled with the sound from them for what seems like a life time,i took some very sound advice from fellow ag members & it really paid off,it seems as im listening to them for the 1st time,i cant believe how good the sound is,anybody else ever been suprised by how good a pair of klipsch can sound when they are set up properly.

even if you hate klipsch speakers i can take it just dont bash them without an explaination of why you hate them,
be honest,i wont get offended.

Showing 1 response by eldartford

Perhaps the most realistic music reproduction I have ever heard was an excellent recording of Sousa marches played through a pair of Khorns, using excellect electronics in a dedicated room. The Tubas would flap your trouser legs, and the trumpets blazed forth from the midrange horn driver.

And this from a Maggie fan!