Klipsch love them or hate them.

My best friend drives me crazy.Every time we get into a discussion about audio,he tells me how great klipsch speakers are.I think they are the worst speakers.What do you think!

Showing 1 response by mjaudio

For music there are plenty of other speakers I prefer over the Klipsch Heritage line, the other klipsch lines I personally don't care for. For Home Theater though I don't think there is another brand I would ever use.

I personaly feel the Klipsch Academy center channel is the best center I have ever owned. I have owned the B&W HTM, M&K S-150, Thiel SCS and MCS1, and a few other center channels that I auditioned at home.

It was while helping my brother to put together an inexpensive but enjoyable HT that I discovered Klipsch myself.

I know use the Academy center and Forte II's in the front and would like to get a pair of Academy's or 4 for the rear. If I could buy 6 matching Academys I would use them at every channel (except the sub of course)

The Forte II are also great and if I had the room and the space then I would use it at all the channels.

What the Klipsch speakers give me for home theater that I lacked with all the other speakers I tried was just a total envelpoment in the movie. The Academy is also the only center I have owned that you never have to ask "what did they say" dialogue is unbeliavably clear and that, IMHO is the center channels main job.

For music the Fortes are very enjoyable but they can sometimes be a little larger than life. With the wrong electronics they can drive you crazy as well.

The best way I can describe using the Klipsch Academy and Fortes is to say this, with all the lights off and a movie playing you are really transformed into the movie. You really get a feel of the best movie theater you have ever experienced, doubled. They are effortless for HT and a hell of a lot of fun.

I have been an avid audiophile and videophile for about 10 years and even though I have owned systems valued at over $25,000 (Proceed, Plinius, Parasound, Thiel, Velodyne, Pioneer Elite LD & DVD, Cardas, etc..) This is the most fun HT system ever....... isn't that what it's supposed to be about anyway?