Kiseki Purpleheart

I currently have an Ortofon Cadenza Bronze. I'm thinking about a switch to the Kiseki Purpleheart.
In this price range-3K..what other carts should I consider?
Associated gear- Pass XP-17- Pass Int-60- Martin Logan Montis-VPI Prime Signature
I want to stay with a Low Output/MC...but would consider a Moving Iron.
Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by russellrcncom

This is a very helpful thread and truthfully,  the PH was on my short list but no longer due to the quality issues mentioned.  The Cadenza Bronze took it's place.

FWIW My short list is:


Miyajima Saboten

Hana ML or Unami (a little price difference between the two)

Ortofon cadenza bronze
