Kiseki Purpleheart

I currently have an Ortofon Cadenza Bronze. I'm thinking about a switch to the Kiseki Purpleheart.
In this price range-3K..what other carts should I consider?
Associated gear- Pass XP-17- Pass Int-60- Martin Logan Montis-VPI Prime Signature
I want to stay with a Low Output/MC...but would consider a Moving Iron.
Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by pindac

I am a Ortofon user and have a experience of listening to a variety of Ortofon Designs released since the early 00's.

With the most recent models released having elevated prices and not any Trickle Down Ranges being produced at present. I have looked towards Japan.

The Mutech Hayabusa and MSL Cart's are on Shortlist to receive demo's off.

Recently I read the review in the attachment, and have come away with the impression, this might be a very suitable replacement for a Ortofon, especially with the asking price for this model.

In the UK in the Mid' 90's, Cartridge Manufacturers were desperate to get products into the mainstream market.

This has been explained to me, as being the result of the Rise in CD Usage gathering converts from the Older Generation Recording Medium to the State of the Art Recording Medium at a exponential rate.

I have come to know through having good relationships with certain retail outlets at at this era, and at a later date having been in discussion with individuals who were working within the HiFi Mainstream, of which one is a Magazines Editor form this same era, that heavily discounted Cart's being offered was the norm.

In the case of the Media, Cart's were supplied less than Trade Prices to the retail. It has been explained as the Golden Years of Cart' Trials, as the Turnover of Cart's purchased to be trialed and the remuneration on a partially used Cart' was extremely attractive and profitable.

This was a period when numerous TOTR Cart's from a variety of Brands, especially Brands Incorporated in Japan, were seen for sale as used items with substantial price reductions.

I myself had met known magazine journalists in London and bought for cash Cart's that had been trialled by the magazine and a article had been done on the purchased Cart'.

If I had savvy of foresight I am sure I would have gone to extra expense and hoarded a few models, that have a desirable heritage in today's market.

If I wanted the Rich Tones that can be found in certain Japanese Cart's from this era, I feel confident, I would have been looking at a Ortofon or Denon, there was not too much steering of one toward Japanese Models at this time in the UK.

From pure recollection, Cart's with a Lean Sonic were the rave, or Bespoke Built Cart's from certain individuals, were getting coverage at he main HiFi Events I was attending at this time. I stand by this being the era, where I was becoming wed to a lean, transparent presentation, but certainly not in the realms of what a CDP was able to present.

Roll the Clock forward the best part of 30 Years. If I was in possession of a Cart' from this era, with a Japanese Origin and produced by a particular individual who was the knowledge behind a certain Brand. I would certainly tell the story regularly.

I would be off one opinion only, from my end, the Story would be told the assist with keeping said item a fantastical item, suggesting it to be unobtanium and 'hopefully' keeping such an item at a place where good remuneration will be realised.

The reality check for me is, it is a Tool produced many many years past to carry out a specific purpose, no different from the likes of a Valve TV.

If I had a Valve TV or Cart' produced by Mr ? from a Japanese Brand, it would be enjoyed for being in the state of intactness it has survived to kept be in and the  rarity/curiosity factor and nothing else. 

In recent conversations, I have already detected the same developing for Mr Tim De Paravicini Products. It is now seemingly a growing talking point about items being a TDP Legacy Item, as it was produced at the time when Tim was prolific in his design and production for EAR.

I have also seen a resurgence of Items being offered for sale, that are realised, as a result of TDP having been influential in the designs for items being produced not by EAR. 

Watch the Markets and even in these very tough times, watch the prices slowly appreciate.

'It all looks like a little bit of history repeating itself'.