Kiseki and Lyra Cartridge Dealers in Japan and Taiwan

Good day all!
Do you know any good phono cartridge dealers in Taipei, Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka or any major cities in Japan and Taiwan?
I'm thinking of getting a Kiseki Purple Heart or Lyra Kleos while I'm there in Sept. if it's worth the savings.

Showing 1 response by nandric

Kiseki is invented by Dutchman Van den Dungen. Better known
as owner&designer of Prima Luna amps. Kiseki was meant as
revenge against (old) Sugano-san who wanted payment in
advance but then forget to deliver... Back then Van den Dungen
was Koetsu importer. He still owns an HI-FI shop in Holland 
(www. . The Kiseki parts which were still by Durob
were used for the new Kisseki's : the Blue, the Purple Heart, etc.
As long as those parts are available. Some reviewer called
the first Blue ''Koetsu killer'' without knowing that this was exactly
Van den Dungen intention. All the bodies were designed in Holland
but it still unknown who in Japan produced them . My guess,
based on his friendship with Kondo san is Kondo san. Kondo
also designed two SUT's (silver and copper)  for Van den
Dungen. I deed try to get the ''silver kind'' in Holland but, alas,
without success. Those who know what an Kondo SUT cost
will gladly buy an ''Kiseki SUT''.