Kirmuss Cleaning System Discuss?

Looking at the Kirmuss system and their process is explained in detail and the concepts are a bit more detailed than other discussions. 

Yeah the presenter in a lab coat brings back memories of Matthew Polk. But aside from that the process appears to have merits.


Any thoughts or observations?


Showing 1 response by jdougs

@dwette I have a similar system.  I use an Audiodesk for my initial cleaning.  I like that it is a physical cleaning as well as ultrasonic with the rollers.  I use the Audiodesk cleaning fluid.  I follow up with a rinse/wash in a Degritter using only the Degritter rinse fluid.  90% of the records I clean are very nearly as quiet as a CD and have at most one or two minimal clicks or pops.  If there’s no physical damage most records play as mint.  I am convinced that there is no better cleaning system currently available, though it ain’t cheap.