Kinki Studio EX-M1 200wpc Integrated Amplifier

Winner of the ’Blue Moon Award’ from 6Moons / Srajan Ebaen

Here is the ’summary’ last page from 6Moons:

And the first page for those interested in the full review:

215W (8 Ohms)  Inputs: 3 RCA  1 XLR  

Offered via Vinshine Audio in Singapore.

Currently SGD 2898 which equals ~ USD 2135.

Showing 4 responses by mrdon

@david_ten, thank you for your straight forward and concise definition regarding the Blue Moon Award.. I have very little experience within the audiophile community and greatly appreciate the helping hand. I now assume the Blue Moon Award is an appropriate and distinguished award for quality products that excel in areas others don't. 
"I will now chew on this knowledge" and await the results of the "OCD HI FI Guy" utube review of the EX M1.. It will then be decision time..    
Can anyone tell me the significance of the Blue Moon Award, does the really have merit... 
@nonoise, it sounds like you are putting your audiophile approval on the EX M1.Still waiting on OCD hifi guy to demo on Utube. Plus i am waiting on my Vidar to return from the manufacturer who was checking for High D/C offset while connected to a Microzolt M2.. Believe it or not both makers could not find the High D/C offset despite a code coming up on the Vidar. None the less, It has a clean bill of health now so the Vidar is going up for sale on ebay in antisipation of the EX being the stunning performer it is being touted to be.. 
Mike P said he listened to it and it was an excellant amp.. i dont think hes done an official “OCD Guy” utube review yet. However, his unoffical review is, it is kick ass, better than any 5 and probably 10 grand amp..