King Crimsom rediscovered

One of the joys of this obsession is that good music retains it's enjoyment and also pulls for long forgotten memories when "rediscovered" - even after 25 or 30 years. I recently obtained a copy of the remastered Court of the Crimsom King cd (new HDCD release February 2005 - original release in October 1969) by King Crimsom, which was one of my favorites back in my days of teen hippydom. The remaster is quite good - better than expected. I had been looking for this for over two years, but it had been unavailable except for a few used copies that were found at used cd stores of dubious quality. (My old vinyl is still playable, but of such poor quality due to age, wear and previous poor equipment that I couldn't bear to listen to it for many many years.) I'm sure that others have had similar experiences - what is your latest rediscovery?

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While you're at it, go back and listen to "Lizard" or "Islands". Islands was always one of my favorites.