Kimber Silver Streak for a warm system

This is a question to those of you who have used/experienced Kimber's silver cables (Silver Streak, etc.)

I'm thinking of trying Kimber wire and would love to hear your thoughts/impressions of whether their silver would be a good choice for a system that was a little more on the relaxed side. I have a Neko D100, Anthem 225i and Paradigm Studio 60. Whatever your experience is, please share.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by dwest1023

I have used Silver Steak for many years. It is definitely a little zingy up top. As always, its best to try a pair in your system. Silver streak is an easy sale if it does not work out for you. Hopefully you don't have any leaness in your system as the Kimber won't help that.